Monday, 28 September 2015

Never the Last Supper

There comes a time every week, everyday almost, when I find myself staring into the glaring abyss of the fridge. The fridge is a place that no matter how well stocked I always find hunger so uninspired by the random collection of groceries in front of me. However from this despair comes an urge to experiment with whatever my kitchen presents, these orphaned ingredients. Desperation drives creativity, so when options are limited, like Frankensteins monster, a ramshackle meal will be created - for better or worse.

Here I simply want to record and share the meals created. Most of them are inspired by something I've cooked before, or a recreation of a memorable meal from a restaurant or that which was just thrown together. Aside from some basics there are no recipes followed.

Your kitchen doesn't follow a cookbook and, unless you purpose buy the ingredients, kitchen improvisation will always deliver something. Whether they are any good I leave up to the my poor friends and family who sample the creations, and those of you who dare to try them yourselves.

This is how I learned to stop worrying and love the fridge.


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