Hear us roar. Or Purr. The Leo’s are out for the kill. In this case a very boujie hunt at an over-priced but fabulous food store. This recipe is old-time fabulous and decadent to the extreme. Exactly how the Pride of Leo’s take on the world. We are fabulous and decadent to the extreme, and in our season there is nothing that will hold us back.
This recipe is this Leos favorite, raw meat, a slathering of flavours makes it irresistible. This version is vaguely Japanese inspired, half sashimi half steak tartare. The heady mix of Japanese oils and prices plays perfectly with the tang of the Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce. Breaking the perfect yolk through the raw meat is one of life’s most satisfying pleasures – causing a squeamish reaction from half of you only heightens the thrill. This is so very delicious, with a dry stiff drink, a perfect way to toast the leo Pride.
250g Steak (lean)
1 Egg
1/4 tsp Wasabi
1 tsp Sesame Oil
1/2 tsp Black Sesame Seeds
1/2 tsp Japanese Chilli Powder (a sprinkle more to finish)
1/4 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp Tabasco
1/2 tsp minced onion
Salt + Pepper
Crisps & Martini to serve
What I did -
This is an assembly recipe, no heat required. Take the steak and give it a good beating. Once it's tender, but not beaten to death finely dice into small quarter centimetre cubes. In a small mixing bowl mince in the onion. Add the wasabi, sesame oil, seeds, chilli, tabasco and Worcestershire sauce. Stir through thoroughly until all the meat is slicked in the mix. Taste and season with salt & pepper (hold back a bit to add when finishing).
Press the mix into a small bowl and cling film in the fridge for half an hour or so to set and macerate.
In the meantime sedate yourself with a martini.
Take the bowl out of the fridge and leave to warm up for about 5 minutes. scatter some green on a plate and then turn out the tartare. Using a fork, press out and make a small depression in the centre. Separate the egg yolk and gently rest on the meat. Season with the chilli powder, salt and pepper. This takes it from looking like cat-food to something deliciously savage.
Perfect as is. Better with plain crisps on the side. Best with a second Martini. It's the leo season, allow the inner savage out.